Whistleblowing channel
What is it?
The whistleblowing channel is how possible violations of the code of conduct, internal rules and current legislation can be reported, presenting facts that can cause damage to the company's image and activity. Communications are analyzed by a committee that will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the rules, answering questions raised and coordinating investigations of complaints made confidentially.
How important is it?
It is an important tool in the company's integrity program, as the conduct practiced and reported will be evaluated so that the necessary measures are taken to mitigate any damages.
How it works?
The internal process works as follows: the protester registers his report via Whistleblowing Channel, identifying himself or anonymously. The committee is responsible for analyzing and coordinating investigations into the fact presented. Upon conclusion, the committee will decide and establish the necessary corrective actions for the case. For reasons of security and confidentiality, the conclusion of the process is communicated only to those protesters who identify themselves. To contact the MD whistleblowing Channel, it is important to have the following information in advance:
- Where, how and when did the event take place?
- Who are the supposed involved and responsible for actions?
- What are the apparent reasons?
Who is it for?
The whistleblowing Channel is intended for all employees, direct or indirect, customers, suppliers and partners, who wish to communicate in good faith, with responsibility and ethical commitment. We remind you that the presentation of false accusations or incorrect and untrue information also constitutes a violation of MD's code of ethics, in addition to being within the scope of criminal law.
Stage and deadlines of the Whistleblowing channel process:
1st Stage: Preliminary Phase.
Establish the credibility of the reported suspicions
2nd Stage: Opening the Investigation
Opening the internal investigation
Definition of the scope and objectives
Composing the information team
3tr Stage: Conducting the Investigation
Collection and validation of the evidence
4th Stage: Communicating the results and determining the consequences
Communicating the results, grounds and conclusions
Formulation of recommendations
Channels for the presentation of Complaints:
In person (it will not be anonymous in nature, although confidentiality is guaranteed);
Scheduling through the telephone +351 244812450, with express indication that it is intended to present a denunciation.
SIE - Sociedade Internacional de Embalagens, S.A.
HR Department
Rua Santa Clara, Nº 564
Santa Clara,
2400-019 Leiria
Telephone (can be anonymous)
Schedule a previous appointment by phone +351 244812450, with the express indication that the intention is to file a complaint.
Registered mail (can be anonymous)
Send correspondence to:
SIE - Sociedade Internacional de Embalagens, S.A.
HR Department
Rua Santa Clara, Nº 564
Santa Clara,
2400-019 Leiria
E-mail (can be anonymous)
email: recursoshumanos@sie.pt
Website: https://sie.pt/contact
Form (which can be found below)
Here are some changes to describe your situation:
What happened? Please give as much detail as possible.
When did or will the reported situation happen?
Where did it happen? (Location, sector, company).
What are the names of the people involved? (Whistleblowers, witnesses).
How did you become aware of the situation?
Are you aware of the reason why the situation occurred?
Is the reported situation known to the company? If yes, what are the name(s) of the person(s) who have/have knowledge of it?
Is it possible to measure the damage in figures?
Is there any proof? If you have any, please insert the files in the upload fields.